Red Drum in the shallows, Bluefish on Topwater + BIG Shark – what a morning of fishing!


Hiii wolf pack! 🐺 This week’s video is packed full of action – topwater, popping corks, SHARKs – Oh my! One of the beautiful things about saltwater fishing is you never know what you may catch.. or encounter! I sort of freaked out over that shark fin and it doesn’t even look that big on video, but it was sticking 2 feet out of the water! Comment below what type you think it may have been.. Bull Sharks are common here.
Between the thick bluefish and perfect red drum, we have some delicious meals ahead! Be sure to turn on your channel notifications so you don’t miss Mama P, or Paula Dean as Andy says, cooking up some delicious bluefish cakes in the next video!
Thank y’all for watching 🙂 love you guys