DR. LEE MERRITT BREAKS DOWN VACCINE DANGERS AND BORDER MEDICAL ISSUES Compartilhar Dr. Lee Merritt of http://themedicalrebel.com/ guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down medical issues on the border, and the true dangers of vaccines. Banned Videos,InfoWars 2 anos ago You may also like FOC Show: Klaus Schwab e Hunter Biden conectados a laboratórios biológicos, mortes por vacinas e esportes transgêneros Banned Videos,EUA Somos nós amanhã,InfoWars,Mundo Exclusivo: especialista em armas biológicas expõe laboratórios na Ucrânia e na China administrados pelo governo dos EUA Banned Videos,InfoWars Dr. Eric Loridan | Grand Jury – Testimony (French) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Banido pelo YouTube: assista ao podcast completo do Send / Trump aqui Banned Videos,InfoWars Pierrick Thevenon | Grand Jury – Interviews (French) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Dr Umlil | Grand Jury – Interviews (French) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Marc Doyer | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (French – English subtitles) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Jean-Francois | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (French – English subtitles) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Kamladevi Moonsamy | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (English) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Phumulele Gumede | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (English) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Jaco Basson | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (English) Banned Videos,Stop World Control Benita Block | Grand Jury – Vaccine Victim Interviews (English) Banned Videos,Stop World Control «1…2122232425»Page 23 of 25